Friday, June 24, 2011


When my family and I left on vacation a couple weeks ago, I thought for
 sure that I would miss the entire bloom time of my herbaceous peonies--
and for the most part, I did.  I was, however, able to find an armful 
of these exquisite blooms still in peak condition.  
Naturally, I had to share them on our blog. 
 During the Spring and early Summer peonies are a much sought after 
flower choice for brides.  Why Spring and early Summer?
This is peak season and generally the only time they are available.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Gifts from the Rain

Okay, so I know that this isn't a flower, but I have to say that I LOVE fungus in all it's wonderful shapes and forms.  When I take a walk in the woods, my friends and family all think I'm weird when I get excited about the different varieties to be found on the forest floor.  When my youngest brought this mushroom in from our waterlogged yard I had to take a picture--so like a flower, but not quite.